Vibe is a platform that helps you to support your team. It offers holistic, real time analysis of your employee wellbeing and smart matches products, services and benefits to employee needs.
Meet Vibe
At Infinite Choice we're not concerned with corporate buzz words, we care about facts and evidence based methods to deliver real time holistic support for your employees.
We want you to gain critical insights on your workforce and use Vibe data to measure the impact of products and services you offer your employees.

Support, Encourage, Engage
To encourage a genuine response from your team, each employee module provides a complimentary personalised support programme. Each programme is totally confidential and based on clinically proven measuring tools which will adapt to the individual’s needs.
Vibe can improve your employee benefit return on investment by recommending the most suitable benefits for you and your employees.
We’ll also measure the impact of our recommendations and refine our advice over time to provide the most supportive and engaging experience ever.

Real life insights
Clear real time dashboards help you keep track of responses and emerging trends.
With employee feedback via our four core modules: Mind, Money, Health and Engagement, we can not only offer real time insights, but also provide you with actionable information and advice that can be measured, providing a clear view of the impact of interventions over the longer term.
But we can go further, we can offer insights into the diversity of your workforce, and not just gender and generational diversity, but also feedback on how each group has responded to the modules. This will give you the understanding you need to engage with all of your workforce.

Our smart marketplace
Wouldn’t it be great if you could view real time feedback on different products and services before you offer them to your team? With Vibe, we’ll provide a level of transparency that can’t be found anywhere else.
As we smart match benefits to employee needs, we’ll offer the insights that we’ve received from other users to give you a clear view of how those products and services have helped others, but you don’t have to take our word for it, our feedback will come from professional advisers, decision makers (like you) and other employees, a three way review process offering unparalleled insight.
What exactly does Vibe do?
The Vibe platform was made with people at the heart, opening feedback channels which focus on four different and distinct modules; engagement at work, mental health, lifestyle and financial health.
The modules are based on tried and tested, psychologically proven ways to derive and stimulate a genuine response to the questionnaires. Each employee, regardless of standing within the company, fills out an easy to use questionnaire, on either a tablet, smart phone or desktop computer – whichever way suits them, whenever it suits them.
These completely anonymous insights enable full reporting on a companywide view of the workforce, indicating common themes perhaps where employees themselves feel that they have training gaps, whether they need support with their wellbeing or if they feel fulfilled in the office, and at home.
These comprehensions often highlight some clear actions and improvements to enable you to build and support your best workforce possible. But don’t worry, you aren’t on your own to trawl through the data. The platform instinctively suggests pathways for each individual, which could be NHS choices guides for better sleep, sign posts to help with debt management or even discounts on gym memberships to help employees get fitter and healthier.
Why does employee health and wellbeing matter?
In recent surveys:
Mental stress costs UK businesses an average £522per employee per year
46% of employees felt their employer didn’t care about their health
33% of employees have lost sleep worrying about their finances
45% of employees have considered leaving a job due to stress
Engaged employees are up to 43% more productive
In a typical business:
A third of employees are actively engaged, which is good
Half are disengaged, not so good…
The remainder are actively disengaged, which is really not good